Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Warm & Cool Coloring

Why does it matter if you're warm or cool?
It helps you pick colors for makeup and clothing and even jewelery that compliment your skintone and helps you look more vibrant and beautiful!

How do you know if you're warm or cool? It's pretty easy! There are a few different ways to do this.

1) Take a pink piece of cloth/tshirt etc. and a peach piece of cloth/tshirt etc. Place one over the other on your chest. Now take off the top piece. Go back and forth and compare how you feel your skin tone looks. Which makes you look healthier? Which makes you look better in general? If the pink is your choice, then you are cool. If the peach is, then you are warm! Easy enough!

2) This second method isn't my favorite but it's doable! Grab two of your biggest necklaces. One in gold and one in silver. Now compare them against your neck and decided which you like better. Gold = Warm, Silver = Cool. I don't like this method as much because the clothing you are wearing at the time will affect your decision.

3) Last but not least. In daylight, take a look at your veins on the inside of your wrists. Are they blue toned or green toned? Blue = Cool, Green = Warm.

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